What Is The Best Meal Delivery Service For Seniors?

August 9, 2022

What Is The Best Meal Delivery Service For Seniors?

As we grow older, our bodies don’t react well to change. As a result, we are less able to do the things we previously took for granted. Driving, getting to the store, and cooking might become harder as health problems set in. Ordering food can be expensive, and the bills can add up quickly!  

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, many seniors live alone with no one to help them with their daily problems. 

Luckily, there are organizations out there that want to help. Meal delivery services ensure that seniors have food and deliver it right to their doors! These services usually come at affordable rates or no cost, depending on the situation and availability. Meal delivery for the elderly is an essential service for any neighborhood that wants to take care of its senior neighbors.


Why Sign up for a Meal Delivery Service?Why Sign up for a Meal Delivery Service

A meal delivery service for seniors is about more than just food; it’s about community and looking out for each other. Having meals delivered once a day or even once a week can make all the difference to a senior who has difficulty getting around. It takes a weight off their mind and reminds them that people in their neighborhood care. 

Problems like a disease, disability, or isolation can significantly impact a person’s life and make basic tasks impossible. When seniors cannot quickly get around, they may be forced to buy food from the closest store, which is often a gas station with a poor selection. Constantly eating food with little nutritional value and high levels of sodium can negatively affect a person’s health, and seniors who may already be experiencing health problems are significantly affected. 

Depending on the senior meals delivery service, food might be frozen or hot and may be delivered daily or weekly. Covid has impacted us all and made finding volunteer staff difficult, and that means that services may be running a little differently than usual. But getting food to seniors in need is always the goal.


Why Meal on Wheels is the BestWhy Meal on Wheels is the Best

So, which meal delivery service for seniors is best? Meals on Wheels! But don’t just take our word for it. Here are a few great reasons to choose Meals on Wheels today.

  • Wellness checksWellness checks are performed by the volunteers that deliver the meals. They check in with each resident on their route and ensure everything is going okay. They also just love to stop and chat. Living alone can be hard for seniors with limited mobility, so having a friend stop by each day to say hi makes a big difference. In addition, regular social interaction can help fight against social isolation and loneliness, both of which have been linked to a higher risk of several mental and physical health conditions, including heart disease, anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer’s.
  • Reliability: Meals on Wheels can be counted on to show up. Even in the face of Covid 19, we still made sure seniors got their meals. We constantly adapt to the changing situations and ensure that no one is forgotten.
  • Affordable: Clients are asked to make a small contribution toward the cost of the meals, but no senior is ever denied food because they can’t afford a contribution.
  • Healthy food: The menu is designed by dietitians to ensure that all dietary needs are being met. The menu includes all food groups, all necessary vitamins and minerals with low sodium levels, and dairy-free options. 
  • Menu Rotation: The meals on wheels menu changes regularly so that you aren’t eating the same meals all the time. Having a wide variety of food available makes life more exciting and makes the food more delicious. No one wants to eat the same seven meals week after week. The menu often changes to include food that is in season. 

How to Get Meals on Wheels

So, how do you qualify for the Meals on Wheels program? In order to qualify for this senior meal delivery program, you must be 60 years or older and homebound. Those who qualify are usually in great need because of disability, disease, or isolation and cannot perform activities of daily living (ADLs). As a result, they are unable to get to the store to purchase nutritious food, and no one is around to help them.

Call us to check eligibility if you think you or a loved one may qualify. Then, it is possible to sign a family member up for the service. Once you check eligibility, you’ll be asked to fill out an intake form so that we can gather a little more information. After that, a welcome packet with all the information you need will be sent.

So give us a call today to learn how Meals on Wheels of Contra Costa can help your senior friends or family. 





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