Meals on Wheels is a food delivery program that brings prepared meals to homebound seniors. Through the hard work of community members, food is prepared and delivered to each senior's doorstep. But these nutritious meals are more than they seem. This program...
by Providing Connection and Care
Delivering Nourishment, Joy, and Connection Every Day
More Than a Meal, a Human Connection with Every Visit
Meals on Wheels: Combating Isolation and Loneliness among Seniors
One of the most significant problems faced by seniors living alone is isolation. Chronic illness, financial problems, and mobility issues can make getting out of the house and visiting friends and family difficult. Loneliness caused by isolation can substantially...
Senior Independence and Nutritional Health
As we age, our bodies change. As a result, nutritional needs change, and health problems become more common. One of the best ways to help maintain a healthy body is to nurture physical and mental health through nutritionally balanced meals and a healthy living...
Volunteering with Meals on Wheels: Making a Difference in Your Community
There are a lot of reasons that people volunteer for programs like Meals on Wheels. Sometimes people do it because they have free time and want to help their community. Sometimes people are required to do it for school programs. Or they may feel passionate about a...
The Importance of Meal Delivery Programs like Meals on Wheels
For many seniors, life is uncertain. As we age, our health tends to decline naturally. Frequent doctor's visits paired with decreased income and mobility mean sometimes the seniors in our community have to make difficult choices. These choices may look like deciding...
5 Tips for Seniors To Start The New Year Off Right
New year, new you! That's what they always say. But maybe there's a better mindset. Many people set new year's resolutions so high that they are not attainable. You can't just set a few resolutions, and they become a completely different person. What you can do is set...
The Benefits of an Exercise Plan For Seniors
This Blog Was Updated In June 2023 Exercise is an essential aspect of life for people of all ages. Regular physical movement has proven benefits in many parts of a person's life, from joint health to improved cognitive function. And exercising regularly is especially...
5 Simple Holiday Meal Ideas From Your Friends At Meals On Wheels
It’s that time of year again! The weather is starting to change (grow colder for most of us), and Christmas lights are beginning to pop up all around the neighborhood. Between holiday shopping and coordinating family get-togethers, you might be wondering how you will...
10 Holiday Decorating Tips For Seniors On A Budget
The holidays are quickly approaching, and decorating your home inside helps get everyone in the holiday spirit! For many people, decorating is a tradition that involves the whole family. But the cost can add up. Between wreaths, lights, ornaments, and a tree, you can...
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