Tips For Aging In Place In Contra Costa County
Tips For Aging In Place In Contra Costa County

Growing older is a gift. You get to see your family and the world grow and change around you as you gain all kinds of new experiences. But getting older can also be scary. Chronic illness becomes more likely as we age, and limited mobility can make day-to-day life difficult. 

Given a choice, many people want to age in place or live out their lives in their own homes, not in a group home. This allows seniors to maintain some of their dignity and enjoy the home that they have so many memories in. But problems like chronic illness and limited mobility can make aging in place feel impossible for seniors living alone. 

But we at Meals on Wheels in Contra Costa want you to know that it is possible, and we’re here to help.


Tips on How to Age in PlaceMoney Management Is An Important Part of Aging In Place

If you or a loved one is getting older and are concerned about the problems that may prevent aging in place, you can take a few steps to prepare.

Consider the situation: What kind of help might be needed as you age? There are several different types of in-home care services that can be hired to help. These include;

  1. Personal care
  2. Household chores
  3. Meals
  4. Money management
  5. Health care

You should take all current health problems into account and what kind of medical care will be needed. You should also look around the house and see if any mobility aids need to be added to ensure that you or your loved one is able to get around the house on their own. And you should address any potential safety concerns in the house as early as possible.

And don’t forget to look outside the home as well. Loneliness is a problem that many seniors face because of the inability to travel due to chronic illness or mobility problems. Making sure you or your loved one has a sound support system and is able to get out and interact with other people is so important. Having family or friends come over to visit is another way to help fight back against loneliness.

Another issue that has to be considered is how the senior is going to get to the store for food or other essential items.  If you or your loved one loses the ability to drive a car, it can be extremely difficult to take care of themselves and ensure they are getting a nutritious and balanced diet. 

Taking the time to plan ahead will make sure you’re not caught off guard by problems down the line.  


Addressing Food InsecurityAddressing Food Insecurity

One of the severe difficulties facing seniors trying to age in place is food insecurity. Seniors are especially at risk because of limited mobility and chronic health problems. This means that many seniors are unable to get to the store or cook their own meals. And a limited budget might mean that they cannot afford the food they need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.  

Low-income meals delivered right to the door can help alleviate one of the major problems faced by seniors. At Meals on Wheels, we believe that meal delivery for elderly residents is a vital step to helping our neighbors who are facing food insecurity in their lives. 

When you sign up for our senior meals delivery service, that means that well-balanced nutritious meals will be delivered right to your door daily or weekly, depending on the area. But you can be sure that no one on our route goes hungry. Hot or frozen meals will be delivered to the door. And as an added bonus, our friendly volunteer drivers also provide a check-in service. They will ensure everything is okay at home, offer resources if needed, and give a bit of company for seniors on their route. 

Our meal delivery service for seniors provides meals at low to no cost because we believe that no one should go hungry and seniors should be able to age in place if they choose. Feeling like they still have independence despite a chronic illness or mobility problems can go a long way to make seniors feel good about their lives. 


How to Get Meals on Wheels

As a meal delivery service for seniors, you may be asking: how do you qualify for the meals on wheels program? If you want to be part of the Contra Costa county senior nutrition program and get freshly prepared meals delivered right to your or your loved ones’ door, give us a call and see if you qualify. There are a few requirements for the program. Those who qualify are generally 60 years old or older, homebound, and are in need because of disability, disease, or isolation. Call the number below to get started and see if you qualify today! 

We are here to make seniors’ quality of life better and help them age in place with dignity.




We help people in need, but also need your help.

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